Leather Jacket Quotes

Anyone following the Soul Revolver X feed over the last few months will have noticed some random Tweets containing quotes from the world of show business and history concerning leather jackets.
What is interesting about the quotes we managed to unearth is the broad spectrum of medium in which they were made, and the time span they were made over, confirming once and for all that leather jackets have both remained in fashion for several generations, and are a popular fashion accompaniment for many different types of people proving yet again their universal appeal.
Below are some of our favourites for you to enjoy:
The Flashing Blade: What’s small, thin and tough?
Brenda: Don’t Know.
The Flashing Blade: A cottonbug wearing a leather jacket.
On The Waterfront – TV series (1988)
Taken from Sid Vicious’ suicide note
That’s me in the leather jacket and tight jeans. – ‘David Starsky’ – Starsky and Hutch (2004)
Homer: Look everyone, now that I’m a teacher I’ve sewn patches on my elbows.
Marge: Homer that’s supposed to be leather patches on a tweed jacket, not the other way around. You’ve ruined a perfectly good jacket.
Homer: Correction, Marge.
[He holds up a tweed jacket with two large holes in the back]
Homer: Two perfectly good jackets.
The Simpsons
Whoever decided that Indiana Jones should wear a felt hat and a leather jacket in the jungles should have been shot. – Harrison Ford
Barney Fife: [Walks in wearing helmet, leather gloves, and a leather jacket] Mounted patrol checking in.
Andy Taylor: How are you Baron Von Richthofen?
The Andy Griffith Show (1960)
Jim Gordon: [reading Woody’s final letter] Do me a favor, will you, Pappy? Give my leather jacket to Reardon, he’s a cool character. Divide my address book evenly among the boys in the barracks. And give my silk scarf to the next hedge-hopper who thinks this is an easy racket we’re in. Woody.
Flying Tigers (1942)
Yeah, I’m gonna need a leather jacket for when I’m on my hog and need to go into a controlled slide. – ‘George Michael Bluth’ – Arrested Development: Storming the Castle (2004)
Long hair minimizes the need for barbers; socks can be done without; one leather jacket solves the coat problem for many years; suspenders are superfluous.
Albert Einstein
So there you have it, some of our favourite Leather Jacket quotes from history, popular culture and show business. Some of them made us chuckle, others were just interesting and I’m sure there will be others where you just don’t get the reference, but this again simply highlights the diversity of leather jacket lovers throughout the many years they have remained a popular fashion item.
We are interested to hear what your favourite quotes are too; as I’m sure there are many we have missed. Please find us either on Facebook or Twitter and let us know which ones you think we should have included, so that we can share them all with the rest of our loyal followers.