If you need to return your leather jacket for a refund or exchange, please follow the simple, hassle-free procedure below. If you are unsure about your product, please email us at sales@soulrevolver.com and we will be happy to help resolve your issue.
You have the right to return any jacket within 14 days after delivery if the jacket meets the below criteria:
We only offer a refund or exchange if the item is in brand new re-sellable condition with hang tag still attached. Any item in worn condition or with hang tag removed will not be considered for a refund or exchange.
Please package your return with care: Zip/button the jacket and fold it and return in the box it was shipped to you or similar sized packaging. Not doing so may affect the re-sellable condition and the jacket may be returned to you. Please try to keep the amount of tape you use to secure the box from opening only so we are able to recycle the packaging.
If you require an exchange:
If you require a refund: